Data-Driven Thought Leadership

Thought leadership is critical for helping B2B companies create perceptions of market leadership. We use AI-driven tools and proprietary methodologies to implement data-driven content campaigns that help you achieve true thought leadership.

Our process involves tracking millions of conversations across social media, blogs and news sites. We extract topics and discussions relevant to our clients’ business and match this against stakeholder personas to gain precise audience targeting data.

We then analyze the trending topics within the target audiences to extract insights for content strategies that will engage those audiences. Such insights include the most effective channels, content formats and influencers to engage the target audiences most effectively.

Bold Data & Analytics Process

Using this deep understanding of the topics that are most engaging to the target audiences, we identify the areas where the audience topics match with our clients’ expertise and business goals. As a result, we are able to create thought leadership and other content programs that drive audience engagement with that content so as to generate MQLs and SQLs — and ultimately drive sales.


For additional information about data-driven thought leadership, check out this Bold blog that includes five strategies for creating an effective thought leadership program.

We also recommend this Bold video that includes seven steps for creating content programs that truly engage your audience.